Saturday 8 March 2014

India Brown Ale

Brewery: Harbour Brewing Co
Supplier: Beer52

From a relatively new brewery, founded in 2012 down in Cornwall. This is one that they brew regularly but isn't part of their core range (according to their website). I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Slightly murky beer bottle brown with hints of orange when held to the light. A medium cream head that thins quite quickly but remnants remain. 
Aroma: Delicious lyche and orange hops on the nose.
Flavour: Watery on the front and then a little mix of weak hop bitterness and thin malt. Some more of the malt comes through with drinking. 
Body: A decent thickness with a good carbonation.
Aftertaste: Too much tangy, grassy bitterness coupled with an extreme drying.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 2, the idea of the flavours is nice but the final product is very flawed; the bitterness causes it to become unpleasant.

Price Range: Another of the monthly beer subscription at £19 (usually £24) for 8 beers, so approximately £2.40 for a 330ml bottle. I would not get it again no mater what the price.

Food Pairings: I wouldn't pair this with much as it will over power most foods, if I had to it would be something like a spicy curry.

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