Saturday 29 March 2014

Bern Stein

Brewery: Brewers & Union
Supplier: Beer52

I thought I would do another review as the last one was bad enough that I had to tip it. This is quite a complex arrangement in a brewery, Brewers & Union are based in Belgium and Germany (this one is made in Germany) but owned and run by Collective São Gabriel based in South Africa. The state proudly on the bottle that this beer is brewed for 8 weeks. I served this chilled.
Appearance: More of a murky brown colour rather than a red. Has a medium off-white head that lasts for a while.
Aroma: Very lager like, with hints of unhealthy yeast and cherry.
Flavour: Typical lager notes on the front, followed by a taste similar to the stuff they use to bulk out tablets (like paracetamol).
Body: A bit heavier than I would have wanted in a beer like this, but a decent amount of carbonation.
Aftertaste: These flavours continue for a short will before turning into an unexpeced sweet flavour.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 3, it's a lager with some odd flavours, drinkable but there are better commercial lagers (and that is saying a lot).

Price Range: Another of the monthly beer subscription at £19 (usually £24) for 8 beers, so approximately £2.40 for a 500ml bottle, OK, but if you want something like this then you may as well just get a commercial lager.

Food Pairings: Would go well with a spiced moist meat - like Piri Piri chicken.

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