Monday 21 October 2013

Anchor Steam Beer

Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Anchors founding beer, first made in 1896 with the current one derived from that recipe. The first California Common brewed for a long time when it was revitalized in 1971. The story and history behind this brew is a fantastic one and so I would urge you to watch the video behind it. I served this straight out of the fridge
Appearance: A slightly murky amber gold colour with a very thin off white head.
Aroma: Quite like white wine with hints of malt characters
Flavour: Crisp and fresh. A nice solid malt body at the back with some fruity esters. 
Body: A little over carbonated for my liking, and that appears in the taste. Quite a wet beer, with some dryness around the edges of the tongue. Hints of apple juice as it starts to warm up.
Aftertaste: A little bit of residual sweetness followed by that classic, semi-green tasting, larger note. A little bready as well. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, very enjoyable to drink, plain and simple, but nothing spectacular; however, it is one I would drink again and again.

Price Range: £2.09, great price for a seasonable all-day drinker, definitely get it again.

Food Pairings: Perfect for a barbecue (I know, finally a beer that goes with a barbecue ...), but would probably go better with the stodgier sides of the barbecue that the meat.

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