Saturday 2 November 2013

Smog Rocket

Brewery: Beavertown Brewery
Supplier: Kris Wines

Beavertown was set up in London a couple of years ago with this being one of their first brew. It is porter with lost of smoked malts and a low IBU (bitterness). They say that this was inspired by the industrial revolution ... and Mordor! I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Quite light for a porter (still too dark to be a brown ale though), when you hold it to the light you can see through it and it is the colour of cola. Think off white head that dissipates quickly, looks very fizzy.
Aroma: Smells a bit off/homebrewesk at first with hints of soap, but this gets dominated by chocolate and a nice burnt smell.
Flavour: The best way I can explain the initial taste is sort of a flavourless build up hinting at more to come. This does come as a roasted taste with hints of sherry. At the back there is this OK green hoppy taste that is just misplaced. Hints of grapes and dates throughout, this increases with drinking but develops into a familiar but implacable taste. Not much smokiness though. 
Body: Great body, just the right thickness (reasonable thick as best suited for this style), and carbonation. It also has a nice velvetyness that I think comes from oats.
Aftertaste: All the flavours bar the green hops carry on into the after taste (which is good), they then fade into a dry, coffee taste that is OK. Hints of Marmite. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, decent beer with nothing too offensive.

Price Range: £2.75 for a 330ml bottle, a nice price for a good beer, I would get it again.

Food Pairings: Some sort of homely fruit pie, like apple or blackberry.

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