Wednesday 9 October 2013

Liberty Ale

Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is one of the first new Anchor Brews made when Frederick Louis Maytag III took control. It is an American style IPA brewed with only cascade hops; it is thought to be the first modern American single-hop ale and dry-hopped ale.
Appearance: A slightly murky orange colour with a large but thin white head that dissipates quite quickly.
Aroma: A tad yeasty but with a strong undertone of resin that is synonymous with cascade hops; smells delicious. 
Flavour: A bit of a malty front with hints of cloves and banana this then goes into a sweet resin flavour before developing a caramel note.
Body: Light with a little thinkness going down; but way too carbonated making it rough to drink, this does fade with time after pouring.
Aftertaste: A very dry bitterness with a hint of very green vegetation.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, definitely a solid 6, nice taste but let down by the carbonation and the aftertaste.

Price Range: £2.09 for a 355ml bottle, good price for a nice beer.

Food Pairings: I'm thinking this would go well with fresh peaches, maybe something like peaches and cream.

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