Wednesday 16 October 2013

Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout

Brewery: Kiuchi Brewery
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Made using "well roasted espresso beans" this beer has come all the way from Japan. It uses a Russian Imperial Stout recipe as a base but is more similar to the style of a normal stout. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Black and very fizzy, but quite clear when the light comes through the edges. A dark maroon coloured head that is large but fades away completely very quickly.
Aroma: A very unusual smell; coffee on the front and then an unmistakable and strong note of elderflower twined with a hint of Marmite.
Flavour: A bitter-sweet and well balanced blend of elderflower and coffee with the flavours fluctuating in dominance. A bit of an unpleasant acidity on the back. After some drinking the elederflower becomes the dominant flavour and the coffee turns to an OK tasting burnt toast.
Body: Very smooth, not too carbonated like it looked. A bit sharp going down.
Aftertaste: Not much in the after taste, a subtle but distinct coffee/burnt toast flavour throughout. A bit too dry. The elderflower taste does start to say longer, into the after taste, with drinking; but the roasted flavours still come after

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, a great beer with a very unusual taste, but this might be swayed from a 7 by my love of elderflower...

Price Range: £3.69 for a 330ml bottle, definitely worth it to try but probably wouldn't spend this much for it again. The price obviously includes shipping so I would definitely have it again if I was in Japan (or found it cheaper elsewhere).

Food Pairings: The complex contrasts in flavours of this makes it hard to select a food pairing for it. I'm thinking a light dessert, something like Panna Cotta. It might also go with a selection of cheeses, but I'm less sure on that one

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