Friday 2 May 2014

Doggie Style

Brewery: Flying Dog Brewery
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is Flying Dog's Pale ale that is produced all year round. Made with four different hops -  Northern Brewer, Cascade, Simcoe, and Citra - and fermented with their in-house strain of American Ale yeast. It has won multiple awards including silver in the 2010 European Beer Star and the 1999 Great American Beer Festival. I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: More on the amber side than golden with a thin off-white head that lasts.
Aroma: Classic sweet resiny hops on the nose mixed in with copious amounts of honey.
Flavour: Quite watery on the front leading into a dry malt flavour with some perfume hops.
Body: Perfect body for this beer, not too thick that it is clingy and not refreshing, but enough that it doesn't feel like water.
Aftertaste: Develops gradually, leading into a wave of the more grapefruit like hops, and then a nice bitterness

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, a refreshing taste with a nice bitterness, not any strong flavours (good nor bad).

Price Range: £2.19 for a 355ml bottle, good price for a good beer to drink.

Food Pairings: Quite an unassuming beer with a nice bitterness at the back so nothing too strong; bar snacks would go very well with this kind of beer, especially sweet potato fries.

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