Saturday 17 May 2014

Beer Camp #93 IPA

Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Supplier: Kris Wines

Part of Sierra Nevada's 2013 beer camp series; the Beer Camp is where non-commercial brewers come together in Sierra Nevada’s 10-barrel pilot brewery and get a hands on education in brewing, creating recipes. They then pick a selection (in 2013 it was 3) to release to the public. However, I think the beer camp is changing this year to a different way of doing things. The beer is described as having a malty back bone and is uses Cascade and Citra hops. I served this straight from the fridge.
Appearance: An opaque golden orange colour with a hint of a pure white head, this head is very sparse but does linger.
Aroma: Huge amounts of lychee hops coming off with hints of caramel malts.
Flavour: Tastes like lychee juice with a hint of lemon, very simple but tasty
Body: Refreshing but still with some substance, perfect for this styles; along with a good carbonation level
Aftertaste: This then has a huge wave of hoppy bitterness, maybe slightly too bitter for me, but it fades with drinking. There are also hints of a bit of soapiness.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, a nice hoppy IPA, incredibly drinkable and thirst quenching with bold bitter aftertaste.

Price Range: £3.49 for a 355ml bottle, an OK price for a great beer, worth it but you could probably get just as good for cheaper.

Food Pairings: The flavours are strong but refreshing so are hard to pair, but I would say some pork with a sweet (maybe smokey) glaze done in the BBQ.

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