Sunday 10 November 2013

Impale IPA

Brewery: Williams Bros. Brewing Co.
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Designed by Ed Young if Heriot Watt Uni for the IBD homebrew competition which he won and thus got the recipe brewed by the Williams Bros. This is part of their Chapeau series. They say that this is "Micro-brewed for maximum flavour". I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: Murky straw colour with absolutely no head, even when I poured it quite violently. 
Aroma: Dominating sour lemon nose with some sweet hop resin penetrating through later. Some hints of apple.
Flavour: Dominant caramel malt coming through with a turn towards the hoppy resin (slightly peach like) towards the back. These two flavors seem to merge nicely with drinking.
Body: Quite light with a bit of a thickness on the back.
Aftertaste: A tangy not to pleasant sourness, with a very carbonated tasting back and a bit of a skunky berry taste.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, nice flavours that nearly make it a 6 but nothing special and a bad aftertaste.

Price Range: £1.79 for a 330ml bottle, good price for a nice beer. As it is quite cheap I would probably get it again as a sessionable beer.

Food Pairings: Some sort of ginger bread - biscuit or cake, the fiery ginger would bring out the sweetness from the malt and hops.

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