Friday 12 July 2013


Brewery: Fyne Ales
Supplier: Luvians Bottle Shop - St Andrews

This beer was developed by Jake Griffin and Chris Lewis and it was a prize winning beer at the Institute of Brewing and Distilling's Scottish Home Brewing Competition. One of their prizes was for their beer to be produced, bottled and sold by Fyne Ales, and this is the result.
Appearance: A thick impenetrable blackness. Thick tan head that stays for a long while leaving a thinner head that stayed the whole drink.
Aroma: Heavily of rusty grapes at first but this transitions into a sweet roasted chocolate aroma (with the smell of red grapes still present). A bit of spicy pepper right at the back of the nose
Flavour: velvety chocolate on the front that develops in to a slightly astringent coffee roast flavour. That front quickly disappears with drinking leaving just the after taste.
Body: So smooth it's like oil, a little too smooth as it feels like the flavour is slipping away. The carbonation is a bit rough and it bites the back of your throat.
Aftertaste: Again, that rusty red grape taste at the back that is common in home brewed stouts and porters.

Overall: The is a really nice flavour to it but some things let it down. Therefore this gets a rating of 5.

Price Range: £3ish for a 330ml bottle, not a bad price but I wouldn't buy it again; would for £2.

Food Pairings: Something with a rough texture to compensate; maybe some rough, flavorful bread such as rye bread or sourdough with a strong hard cheese such as cheddar.

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