Wednesday 31 July 2013


Brewery: Oakham Ales
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Brewed with only Citra hops as the name suggests and gold medalist of the International Beer Challenge in both 2011 and 2012 in the "Ale up to 5%" category.
Appearance: Good bubbling, a medium white head that keeps very well, and a straw golden colour.
Aroma: Good fresh, white grape juice smelling hoppy head. 
Flavour: Clean, and fresh on the front leading into a powerful malty sweetness coupled with a well rounded lemon, passion and gooseberry fruit hops. After a while the flavour begins to go and it becomes heavier and tastes more like carbonated water.
Body: Medium body going into a more thicker body as it goes down your tongue, nicely carbonated
Aftertaste: A bit of an unpleasant dry bitterness on the aftertaste and an unpleasant iron taste. A little sweetness still remains

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, nearly an 8 but it was let down by its declining taste and unpleasant after taste.

Price Range: £2.19 for a 500ml bottle, very good price for a nice beer.

Food Pairings: I'm going to go with chicken Caesar salad, the freshness and balance of the beer reminds me of Iceburg lettuce and the salty chicken and dressing will complement it (as it does with the lettuce).

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