Saturday 27 July 2013

Centennial IPA

Brewery: Founders Brewing Co.
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is their dry hopped IPA and is a 2010 World Beer Cup Silver medalist in the American-Style India Pale Ale category. I served this one slightly chilled.
Appearance: Dark honey colour with very little head, even when pouring violently, and the little that does come dissipates very quickly.
Aroma: Smells strongly of hop resin, with a solid grainy back like breakfast cereals. Smells boozy.
Flavour: Very strong sweet resin on the front but with a nice, round supporting malt base. These flavours work well together making it very sweet. This leads quite quickly into the aftertaste, although a hint of fresh apple does develop that is carried to the after taste
Body: Very thick, but flows very well. Very wet and thirst quenching.
Aftertaste: Hits you with a powerful hoppy booze coming through, like hop infused vodka. This is slightly dry (in a good way) with a hoppy bitterness

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8 ... just, as it is very good but maybe a tad too boozy.

Price Range: £2.49 for a 355ml bottle, very good price but you wouldn't want to have too many of them as they are quite boozy; and remember, always buy hoppy beers as fresh as possible.

Food Pairings: I think some sort of sharp, smooth, fruity dessert like a lemon tart, or grapefruit posset. I read that spiced chocolate goes well with this but I think that they would both detract from one another, but that is personal taste.

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