Monday 17 August 2015


Brewery: Beerd Brewery
Supplier: Beer52

So this brewery was originally a pilot brewery at a different brewery called Bath Ales. They set it up as a different brewery to tap into the craft beer market. This is their English IPA, using English ingredients including Golding hops. I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: A golden colour with tints of amber and slightly opaque. There is a thin white head but that dissipates in a matter of seconds. 
Aroma: This smells exactly like grape juice. I can get hints of hop resin right in the background, but the grape juice notes are the dominant aroma here. 
Flavour: A tiny bit of grape at the front followed by a wave of hop resin, finally at the back there is a mix of hop notes and honey malt. 
Body: Light and a little too carbonated, but refreshing. 
Aftertaste: You get the typical hoppy bitterness mixed with some honey and grain notes from the malts. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, a very drinkable beer with nice but common flavours.

Price Range: From the box of 8 for £14 - so £1.75 for a 330ml bottle; a very good price for a nice drinkable beer.

Food Pairings: Just a simple roast chicken dinner with roast roots, a simple but nice meal for a simple but nice beer.

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