Wednesday 5 August 2015

Lluna de Blat

Brewery: Cerveses Lluna
Supplier: Amazon

This is the second one from the Organic Spanish brewery Cerveses Lluna today. This is another of their core beers, and is their version of a Hefeweizen - hopped with Perle and Cascade hops. I served this chilled.
Appearance: A dark golden colour with lot of bubbles in. Just slightly opaque, so a little clear for a Hefe. The head is medium, but quite dense, and off-white; it also lasts for an age.  
Aroma: Lots of citrus hops with that spicy wheat note right in the background
Flavour: A sharp citrus bite at the beginning that turns into an odd fresh-but slightly metallic note - not unpleasant thought. Slight hoppy spices in the background.
Body: Incredibly refreshing with a light body that is well suited to the beer. The carbonation is very soft and at the perfect amount - one of the best carbonations I tried!
Aftertaste: A faint mix of the citrus and metallic note. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, not much of a hefe but a nice refreshing beer. It does lack a little in flavour, but is so very easy to drink...

Price Range: The Spanish beer box works outs as £2.29 for a 330ml bottle; a great session beer so this would be a good price in a bar, but a little expensive from a shop.

Food Pairings: This would go with loads of things but it is quite a nice one to drink at a party, so it would probably go well with crisps and dip, and other assorted (savoury) party food.

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