Tuesday 11 August 2015

First World Problems

Brewery: Stewart Brewing
Supplier: Beer52

When I canceled my previous subscription from Beer52 they generously gave me £10 off my next box (sure it was to hope I would stay subscribed, but nice none the less). This is the first one I will review from this box and is brewed by Stewart Brewing up in Scotland. Whilst this is brewed by Stewart Brewing the recipe is actually designed by James Hardacre, a home brewer that Southern Bar's Homebrew competition in 2013. This is a Belgian IPA that uses Belgian yeast coupled with US and New Zealand hops. I served this slightly chilled.
Appearance: A very dark gold colour, bordering on amber. The head is of medium size, but lasting, and is a orange tinted white colour. 
Aroma: Huge amounts of mango with some spicy lemon notes in the background along with some typical beer notes. 
Flavour: Lots of floral hop notes on the front coupled with a sweet resin note, the mango hop notes tend to come in the back. Unfortunately the flavour fades with drinking. 
Body: A substantial body but not too much that it becomes viscous, a good balance.  
Aftertaste: There is a little of the belgian spiciness but this is then taken over by a hoppy bitterness that starts nice but becomes a little soapy. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, a delicious full flavoured drink, would have been a 9 if it weren't for the soapy back and the slightly fading flavour. But bear in mind I might be a little bias as I love mangos.

Price Range: From a new box, this one £14 for 8, so £1.75 for a 330ml bottle; a brilliant price, I wouldn't hesitate to get it again.

Food Pairings: Something citrus and tart, this could be sweet or savoury, but just to suggest something I would say citrus marinated pork Kebabs (skewers) with wedges of red onion between.

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