Thursday 26 January 2017

Fuck Art - The Heathens Are Coming

Brewery: To Øl
Supplier: Beer52

Another from this Danish Brewery, this is the first Grisette I've had but it is meant to be similar to a saison. Like a saison this has a base of pilsner malt and unmalted wheat, but it also contains rye (maybe that's the Scandi element). The hops are Tettnager, Galena, and Simcoe. I served this chilled.
Appearance: A pale gold colour, turning to straw when held to the light. The head is thin, and thins to just a lingering film. 
Aroma: Lots of yeast spice with a little funk, grapefruit and some bread dough. 
Flavour: A light mix of subtle pilsner malt and hop resin, becoming slightly doughy towards the end. 
Body: Refreshing at first, but it's got a surprisingly thick body for such a light ale.
Aftertaste: A little more hop resin along with the spicy yeast notes, similar to those from Belgian yeasts. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, a bit of a mix of light refreshing flavours, and spicy full bodied notes.

Price Range: A box of 8 from Beer52 for £24 - so £3 for a 330ml bottle, a little on the pricey side but probably worth it.

Food Pairings: I think it would go well with a traditional pork roast, with plainly cooked vegetables.

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