Saturday 5 April 2014

Samuel Adams Octoberfest

Brewery: Boston Beer Company
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Nowhere near September, but I thought I would try this none-the-less. This is the USA's biggest brewery's seasonal Märzen - brewed for the time around Oktoberfest in Munich (End of September), brewed with German Tettnang Tettnanger and Hallertau Mittelfrueh hops. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: An orangy amber colour with an average off-white head that is not retained.
Aroma: A very sweet version of that spicy German yeast smell.
Flavour: A little bit of banana and then a huge wave of very sweet toffee, you don't get much else. With some drinking though it settles down a bit an you get more of a bread and raisin flavour coming through.
Body: Very solid and thick, carbonation was a bit sharp but that goes quite quickly.
Aftertaste: A bit more of the spicy hope note coupled with a mix of banana and toffee (a bit like a banoffee pie. Hints of pear drop.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, nice but a bit too sweet even for me.

Price Range: £2.09 for a 355ml bottle, a fair price for what it is, but probably wouldn't get it again

Food Pairings: This one is hard to pair, I think it is too sweet to be paired with a dessert, as they would merge in a negative way, but it is not fitting with much else. I'm thinking something salty would be best, maybe breaded chicken.

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