Saturday 18 January 2014


Brewery: Nøgne Ø
Supplier: Kris Wines

With the brewery name "Nøgne Ø" translating to naked Isle, this is their all-year round interpretation of an English Bitter; using Maris Otter malts East Kent Golding hops (both British commodities). I served this slightly chilled as they recommend.
Appearance: Deep dirty gold with a HUGE off-white head that is very long lasting, so much so that it made it very difficult to pour. 
Aroma: Smells spirit like, a bit like Rum and Raisin. Hints of musty yeast are also present. 
Flavour: Lots of rum on the front and then a mix of honey and roasted notes on the back. They is a very harsh bitterness that comes out but almost like a layer under the other flavours.
Body: Hard to identify through the bitterness, but it is quite average in body.
Aftertaste: Definitely more boozy raisins on the back with a very soap like bitterness

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 4, quite nice with interesting flavours but way too harsh a bitterness and a nasty soap flavour.

Price Range: £1.99 for a 500ml bottle, a very competitive price for a drinkable beer, not the best though.

Food Pairings: Tricky as the bitterness throws it off a bit, but a dessert would probably be best; something like apple-pie.

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