Thursday 29 August 2013


Brewery: Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
Supplier: Beers of Europe

From the world's oldest brewery, founded in 1040, this brewery is most commonly know for via their Hefeweissbier. This is their Weizenbock version that has been matured for extra long in the monasteries cellar. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Pale straw with deep orange, quite opaque. Very effervescent and creates a large, long lasting head. Gushed out of the bottle when I opened it, spilling some :( .
Aroma: Cracked black pepper, washing up liquid, and some herb/plant smell; all in all very yeasty smelling.
Flavour: Not much on the front and then a chemically yeasty flavour on the back. Some sweet malts and orange in it but not much.
Body: This is odd as it is very light but definitely has a thick creamy body. A bit too fizzy right on the front.
Aftertaste: This is where the flavour is at! Boozy oranges, lots of wheat malt coming through and some spices (including a menthol like experience that cools the tongue). A bit of a dry pill taste also, something like paracetamol.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, for this type of style it is very good; for its style it should be higher. Very refreshing but warm, good flavours and really easy to drink.

Price Range: £3.29 for a 500ml bottle, a bit pricey but worth it (however, more the price I would pay at a bar for rather than in a bottle).

Food Pairings: This sounds silly and a bit of a cop-out but this would go well with pretty much and hearty German meal (or similar), something stocked well with potatoes and pork.

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