Sunday 11 August 2013

Big Swell IPA

Brewery: Maui Brewing Co.
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is from one of the breweries in Hawaii and is a Dry-hopped IPA using four different types of hops. One thing I love about this is that it is in a can; I'm a big fan of the Canning Revolution and you are able to see more about it later when I update the website some more. This beer is made in the high temperatures of Hawaii so I thought it would be better served with a bit of a chill on it.
Appearance: A coppery gold colour with a good amount of bubbles. A medium off white head  that reduces but stays. 
Aroma: Smells like lemon rinds and sweet hop resin, a hint of malt comes through eventually. It also smell incredible fresh!
Flavour: Good malty beginning leading into a very sweet hop resin flavour with a hint of booziness. Not a range of flavours but they are good!
Body: Maybe a little too thick for this beer as it is all very fresh apart from this heavy clingy body. Perfectly carbonated.
Aftertaste: This sweet hop resin flavour turns into a very lemon-rind like bitterness on the aftertaste, not unpleasant but not the best. This fades with drinking 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, there are a few things letting it down but I would still give this an 8 as it is a very good beer and a perfect IPA for drinking in the sun (if the UK got any). I can see why this would be popular in Hawaii.

Price Range: £2.99 for a 330ml can, good price for a good beer, especially if you consider the distance it had to travel.

Food Pairings: I'm struggling to think of something for this but on the spot I would suggest a bacon sandwich with lots of ketchup (but then again what wouldn't go with that).

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