Wednesday 10 September 2014

Summer Ale

Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Seeing as we have passed the end of summer and the days are getting colder I thought it's about time I drink this. This is their seasonal summer pale ale made with German Perle and American Cascade, Fuggle and Amarillo hops. The only make this to become available between March-July, the the best before date is in March 2015 so all is good. I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: Pale with a hint of gold, a medium white head that thins but stays.
Aroma: Some German malts coupled with some very strong honey notes.
Flavour: Quite crisp with some malty notes, nothing much else.
Body: Medium body but quite refreshing.
Aftertaste: some honey notes coupled with some herbally hops. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, clean with some nice flavours in the aftertaste.

Price Range: £1.89 for a 355ml bottle, good price for a good beer.

Food Pairings: A substantial salad, with some strong leaves like watercress and rocket.

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