Friday 19 September 2014

Mica Oro Ale Premium

Brewery: Cerveza Mica
Supplier: Beer52

The first of my Beer52 box that featured mainly European beers (not from UK). This comes from a little village in Spain which is is one of the few places in the Iberian Peninsula where the mineral Mica is contained within the soil. The barley that is used in this beer is produced in this area taking in the mineral and used a freshly as possible, creating a unique taste
Appearance: Golden with hints of amber, very cloudy almost like a hefe. Medium off white head which thins but stays.
Aroma: Some unripe-apricot/apple notes coupled with a sweet malt and a very German beer note.
Flavour: Very sweet fruity notes on the front followed by a more German beer note. The turns more into a apricot flavour with much less sweetness. 
Body: Medium body but with a bit too much carbonation
Aftertaste: Quite bready but with hints of the fruits before but with some slight off notes

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, bus so close to a 7 that on another day it might have been. Nice and fruity but with a bit too much sweetness at some points and some slightly odd notes. But definitely the best Spanish beer I've had by a long way

Price Range: Part of a box of 8 I got for £12 (usually £24), so it works out at £1.50 for a 330ml bottle; definitely worth the price and I would get it again.

Food Pairings: Some plain pork chops, preferably with a bit of a char to them; the apricot and apple notes would go really well with this meat.

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