Sunday 13 November 2016


Brewery: Kaapse Brouwers
Supplier: Beer52

Another from the Rotterdam based brewery, this is their core range IPA. It uses pale and caramel malt (with a high quantity of caramel), there are a few hops listed differently on different websites but it seems to have cascade, chinook, simcoe, and amarillo hops. I served this chilled.
Appearance: Quite a light murky brown turning a nice light orange hue when held to the light. The head is a thin creamy brown colour which thins quickly. 
Aroma: Very sweet candied resin notes that overpower anything else.
Flavour: Lots of barley candy notes on the front with hints of some roasted notes along with a belgian candi note.
Body: Very full on the front turing dry in the afternote. 
Aftertaste: The sweet notes continue into a powerfully sweet and sharp hop resin notes. After some time there is a bitter herbally hop note.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, a little too sweet but with lots of powerful flavours, gets a bit too much after one bottle.

Price Range: £3.00 for a 330ml bottle, quite a good price, competitive with others of similar qualities for similar or better prices.

Food Pairings: The intense sweetness of this needs something salty and sharp, something like a strong cheddar - maybe a Mac and cheese made with it.

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