Sunday 13 November 2016


Brewery: Kaapse Brouwers
Supplier: Beer52

Another from the Rotterdam based brewery, this is their core range IPA. It uses pale and caramel malt (with a high quantity of caramel), there are a few hops listed differently on different websites but it seems to have cascade, chinook, simcoe, and amarillo hops. I served this chilled.
Appearance: Quite a light murky brown turning a nice light orange hue when held to the light. The head is a thin creamy brown colour which thins quickly. 
Aroma: Very sweet candied resin notes that overpower anything else.
Flavour: Lots of barley candy notes on the front with hints of some roasted notes along with a belgian candi note.
Body: Very full on the front turing dry in the afternote. 
Aftertaste: The sweet notes continue into a powerfully sweet and sharp hop resin notes. After some time there is a bitter herbally hop note.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, a little too sweet but with lots of powerful flavours, gets a bit too much after one bottle.

Price Range: £3.00 for a 330ml bottle, quite a good price, competitive with others of similar qualities for similar or better prices.

Food Pairings: The intense sweetness of this needs something salty and sharp, something like a strong cheddar - maybe a Mac and cheese made with it.

Thursday 3 November 2016

O'Hara's Irish Stout

Brewery: Carlow Brewing Company
Supplier: Beer52

Thought I would give this one a try today as it's international Stout day. This is from a brewery in Ireland (Eire) near Kilkenny that has an O'Hara brand. This porter is the flagship of the O'Hara brand as it has won multiple awards including the Gold and Champion award in the International Dark Competition category of the 2000 International Brewing Awards. Made with a mixture of specialty malts and Fuggle hops. I served this chilled.
Appearance: Dark black even when held to the light. The head is a tan colour and's quite thin, fading to just a trace. 
Aroma: Some roasted notes with a little chocolate and some tartness. 
Flavour: Some vauge fruit hop notes coupled with the standard roasted notes, but these seem to fade with drinking. 
Body: Fresh on the front followed by the typical dry back. Too much fizz though.
Aftertaste: The flavours turn into an unplasant soapy note.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 3, I was a bit disappointed by this one, nothing of note and there's an unpleasant soapy afternote.

Price Range: £2.50 for a 330ml bottle, too much for what it is.

Food Pairings: Probably go well with a typical beef roast dinner with potatoes and Yorkshire's.