Sunday 2 August 2015

La Socarrada

Brewery: Premium Beers From Spain
Supplier: Amazon

Another from the Spanish beer box, and from Premium Beers From Spain. Like last time this brewery only has a website for the beer itself - here is the one for La Socarrada. This is their amber ale made with rosemary and rosemary-honey (which I presume is honey made by bees that fed mostly on rosemary flowers. It is self described as a Gastro-ale, which appeals to me as I call my home brewery a Gastro-brewery. I served this at room temps
Appearance: A deep orange copper colour with lots of sediment and opaque. The head is a thin very light brown colour (like that on a perfectly cooked marshmallow), but fades almost instantaneously 
Aroma: A little home-brew-esc, but with lots of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg; coupled with some fresh citrus/floral notes in the background, and possibly some juniper. 
Flavour: Tastes pretty much exactly how it smells. The spices, the floral notes, and the juniper - all there. With some drinking a bit of orange rind develops in the front.
Body: An average body, but a little too carbonated, however, the carbonation is a nice soft one.
Aftertaste: Here you can taste the distinct honey notes, although missing a large amount (but not all) of the sweetness. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, but only just and I think that it just gets there because of it's uniqueness

Price Range: The Spanish beer box works outs as £2.29 for a 330ml bottle; a good price, one that I would get again if I wanted something a bit different.

Food Pairings: A hard one, but I would say it would go well with a charcuterie board, as the strong meat flavours would penetrate the strong flavours in the beer as well as compliment the savoury notes in it.

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