Tuesday 14 April 2015

Fix Dark

Brewery: Olympic Brewery
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is the Dark Lager that comes from the Greek Brewery, Olympic Brewery, first produced in early 2012. It seems like quite a highly marketed beer in Greece, but doesn't give much detail about what is in it. I served this at cellar temperature.
Appearance: Pitch black but maroon on the edges when held to the light. There is a thin mocha coloured head at the beginning but this fades to nothing with about 20 seconds.
Aroma: The harsh rust and grape smell you get with most uncomplicated dark beers, although a lot more grape in this.
Flavour: Nothing on the front but then a hint of a creamy vanilla and toast, but it then fades bad into nothing on the end.
Body: Way too effervescent, and the body is incredibly light for a dark beer - which is bad in this case. 
Aftertaste: Hints of grape and toasted malts, but they are faint and there is a slight and unpleasant bitter tang. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 3, some pleasant notes but they are short lived and don't make up for the the body.

Price Range: £1.49 for a 330ml bottle, you get what you pay for in this case. I wouldn't get it again but if it was the only thing available then I wouldn't be too displeased as it is quite cheap and easy to drink once you tame the fizz.

Food Pairings: The creaminess and the roasted flavours from this would complement, rather than cancel each other out, with those same flavours found in good quality chocolate ice-cream (prefrably dark).

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