Friday 11 July 2014

Boltens Alt

Brewery: Privatbrauerei Bolten
Supplier: Beers of Europe

My first beer after coming out of a little bit of time in hospital, so I thought I would try something interesting but not too heavy or alcoholic. This is a typical old style of beer from Dusseldorf called an Altbier; Alt meaning "Old". The amber colours from this beer come from the specialty malts ad the unique flavours from the in-house Bolten yeast strain.
Appearance: A thin brown colour with hints of red. There is a medium off-white head that thins out quickly. 
Aroma: Typical German beer smell with some corn and hay notes. 
Flavour: Lots of hay on the front with a back of very un-sweet malty notes. This becomes a bit sweeter with drinking, and then gains a little bit of an iced tea vibe
Body: A medium body, nothing distinctive, a bit too much fizz on the back.
Aftertaste: You still get the hay and malt notes but they are joined by iron and some subtle green notes.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 4, unusual hay notes making it interesting but not something I would really want to drink that much of.

Price Range: £2.09 for a 500ml bottle, a good price but an average beer.

Food Pairings: Something plain but meaty like roast chicken and home made chips.

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