Thursday 20 February 2014

Tap 2 Mein Kristal

Brewery: Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This filtered wheat beer is made with 50% each of wheat malt and barley malt, it is hoped with a low amount of four different hops (Cascade, Hallertauer, Magnum, and Hallertauer Saphir). This was designed by the G. Schneider of the G. Schneider & Sohn (son) in the late 80's and first served in 1990. It has won multiple awards including a Gold in the World Beer Cup awards. I served this quite chilled.
Appearance: A very thin and light looking gold colour with a slight opaqueness. A steady stream of bubbles. It had a thin clear white head when pouring but that when completely within a matter of seconds, and completely is not an exaggeration. 
Aroma: Lots of typical German estery notes like banana and bubblegum, but with an underlying citrus smell probably coming from the Cascade. There is definitely a harsh sweetness to it, maybe acidic.
Flavour: The banana flavours are very dominant in this throughout, but there is a crispness that is trying to come through from the citrus but it is like it is about to burst through but then fails. The typical clove esters also develop. These flavours die down with drinking, so the beer becomes more of a wheaty craft lager-like beer.
Body: Very much a full bodied wheat beer, but with a crisp note at the beginning. 
Aftertaste: The malt starts to come through a bit more, tasting like a hint of barley sweets; however the banana is the dominant flavour. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, close to a 7 but not quite the banana is dominant but not as much as most wheat beers, it also has some flavours that try to come through that provide an interesting (and semi pleasant) mix.

Price Range: £2.39 for a 500ml bottle, not bad but a little pricey, I wouldn't get this bottle again but I would get others from this brewery.

Food Pairings: Some fried snack like chips (French Fries to you Americans), or you could take the German influences and have fried dumplings.


  1. Rosemary tossed sweet potato fries might go with that spicy, wheaty sweetness. Dumplings sound great too. Keep up the blog Jonny.

    Sending love from the states

    1. There wasn't much of that classic Hefe spice, I'm presuming because it is filtered and I think that spice comes from the yeast, so the hops and malts dominated. However, sweet potato fries are the bomb and would go great as well!

      Hope you and Ciara are well!
