Sunday 26 November 2017

Golden Monkey

Brewery: Victory Brewing Company
Supplier: Beer Hawk

Another from this famous Pennsylvanian brewery, this one being a core beer but one that is quite strong. It's their version of a Belgian Tripel and thus comes in at quite a high percentage. I served this chilled.
Appearance: A thick gold colour with orange tinges, very opaque. The head is slightly off white, but thins out to nothing - though I didn't follow the instructions of pour vigerously. 
Aroma: Initially, loads of banana when the can was opened. This is a bit more understated after a bit, with lots of the classic Belgian spicy esters coming through with the sweet malt. 
Flavour: A slight but sharp tartness on the front initially but this dies down to a sweetness. 
Body: It's got some body in it as you would expect with a high alcohol beer. Still got a little bit of carbonation which is good.
Aftertaste: Lots of complexities in the afternote with lots of hop notes, and lots of melow mellon and spices complex. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, what I would imagine an American Tripel to be like, a low-medium level of the typical esters, coupled with some refreshing American hops.

Price Range: Another of the Mystery box, so about £1.50 for a 355ml can; absolutely fantastic price and I would definitely get it again for that price, though I don't think you will ever see it that low by itself.

Food Pairings: Mussels. With a nice spicy broth with chilli and lemongrass. The muskiness from the mussels would go well with the complex ester notes.

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