Tuesday 31 January 2017

Flower Power Hippy Dippy All Things Pretty American Amber

Brewery: The Flying Dutchman Nomad Brewing Company
Supplier: Beer52

From a new (2015) brewery in Finland that embodies the hippy vibe. Similar to Mikkeller, the brewer Ronald de Waal is a gypsy brewer (or Nomad as he likes to call it), brewing in different breweries but being based in Finland. It's base on an American amber ale, using Centennial, Galaxy, Mosaic and Tettnang hops, but then matured on a bed of Hibiscus flowers, hence the name. I served this chilled.
Appearance: An orangy-brown colour, slightly murky. A slight off-white head that thins quite quickly. 
Aroma: Malty with a musky hint of hop resin in the back. 
Flavour: A nice light malt on the front with hints of caramel malt. Then a slight hoppy bitterness and resin on the back. 
Body: Quite light but there is a slight cloyingness. 
Aftertaste: A greater wave of hops with some raw malt notes, an a little bit of a stale ale note. Also some waxy notes develope with time

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, it's quite nice but not that special and I can't see the Hibiscus adds anything.

Price Range: Another from the box of 8 for £24 - so £3 for a 330ml bottle, too much for this as there are much better beers for the same or lower price.

Food Pairings: Something simple like a Tagliatelle al Ragu Bolognese.

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