Saturday 5 September 2015

Rose Wheat Beer

Brewery: The Ticketybrew Company
Supplier: Flavourly

The third and final beer subscription I'll try, this one is from a company that also does snack boxes. I think that they should just stick to food as the other two do beers better. The snacks were great; but the beer was just an OK selection, and the literature about the beers was very poorly presented.

This is surprisingly a core beer from Ticketybrew. It is a wheat beer made with rose flowers and fresh ginger (although they do not include the latter in the list on ingredients, however I think this is a miss-type as they include malted "what" as an ingredient). I served this chilled.
Appearance: A pale straw colour with only a little murkiness. There is not head on this at all, not even a lingering remain.
Aroma: There is a lot or rose water in the nose as expected, much like in Turkish delight. There is also the fiery notes of ginger in the background, coupled with faints peach hop notes. 
Flavour: Ginger is at the forefront of this, mixed with a little bit of rose water.
Body: Crisp, but it is a little flat and what carbonation there is is rough. 
Aftertaste: The ginger fades and the rose dominates the aftertaste. There is some hint of a funky farmhouse note right in the back as well.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, it's probably is closer to a 4, but I love rose water so I'm a little bit of a sucker for this. However, I don't think the base of the beer is that great, and the ginger does not compliment it well.

Price Range: This box of 8 beers was £12 (£8 with £4 delivery), making it £1.50 for a 330ml bottle; a decent price for it, and worth trying for it's uniqueness - but I probably wouldn't get it again.

Food Pairings: I think the floral notes need something salty. I think so simple like sausage and mash would be quite fitting.

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