Friday 10 July 2015

Blandæ Doble

Brewery: Cerveses Popaire
Supplier: Beer52

Another brewery from the small town in Blanes, Spain. Originally a couple starting as homebrewers in 2009, until they opened their own brewery in 2012. This is their version of a Belgian Dubbel, made with four different caramelized malts. I served this slightly chilled.
Appearance: An amber colour with hues of rose and orange when held to the light. There is only ever a patchy off-white head, but it does linger the whole time
Aroma: Very fresh smelling with lots of underripe fruity hop notes, there are also some very faint hints of ethanol. 
Flavour: Initially a very powerful flavours comprised of hops, malt and alcohol. This dies down into a more refreshing strawberry and oranges flavour - however, these flavours don't mingle well together. 
Body: A very thick a syrupy, maybe a bit too much for this
Aftertaste: Lots of alcohol in the back coupled with some green hop notes and a hint of overripe fruit. Some cereal notes in the back. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 4, drinkable, and nice in some aspects - but there were some not so nice flavours, and the good flavours didn't always work with each other. Not much like a Dubbel as there were way too many hops in it, not that that is a bad thing, and the malt body didn't stand out at all.

Price Range: Part of the box of 10 I got for £14 (usually £29), so it works out at £1.40 for a 330ml bottle; not a bad price, but would only really get again if there was a limited choice.

Food Pairings: Something with orange marmalade in it as I think it would go quite well with the strong flavours, and over power the less desirable ones; maybe something like this bread and butter pudding that my dad made once, that uses marmalade and croissants.

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