Tuesday 20 October 2015

Lucky Jack

Brewery: Lervig Aktiebryggeri
Supplier: Beer52

This is an American style pale ale that is brewed by a large Norwegian brewery (that also brews some of Evil Twins stuff). This pale ale is unfiltered and unpasteurised, and it is brewed with three different American hops - Amarillo, Chinook and Citra. I served this chilled.
Appearance: An orangy-straw colour, opaque, and with a thin and fading off-white head.
Aroma: A faint hint of hop resin with some citrus notes. 
Flavour: The front is absent of flavour. Sweet and with some strong notes of lemon iced tea and hop resin in the back. 
Body: There is a substantial body, but it is still refreshing. It looks like the carbonation is too much, but it's a nice level. 
Aftertaste: The aftertaste is just the fading continuation of the back flavours. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, close to a 6, but a nice refreshing ale with some nice iced tea notes.

Price Range: Another from the box that had 8 for £14 - so £1.75 for a 330ml can; a good price for a nice sessionable drink, plus it's in a can.

Food Pairings: A nice salty bagel with cream cheese, maybe some heavy vegetable on top.

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Drunk Hop

Brewery: Brønhër Brew
Supplier: Beer52

Couldn't find much about this apart from the fact that it is brewed at the Cervezas Cuenca in Cuenca, Spain. This is their pale lager, of about three different brews. I served this chilled.
Appearance: A crystal clear pale straw colour with a medium white head colour. 
Aroma: Loads of hop resin and a little rose on the nose. 
Flavour: Hop resin and candied orange on the front, with some light malt notes on the back.
Body: Light and crisp, but with a little too much 
Aftertaste: Similar notes as that of the main flavour but with a little more focus on the malt and a little more hoppy bitterness. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, close to an 8 if it wasn't for the carbonation.

Price Range: Another from the box that had 8 for £14 - so £1.75 for a 330ml bottle; a great price for great beer.

Food Pairings: A starch, something like pasta, with a medley of roasted mediterranean veg.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Hop Classic

Brewery: SixºNorth
Supplier: Beer52

This is a Scottish brewery that brews exclusively Belgian beers, it is located 6 degrees North of Brussels - hence the name. This is their version of a relatively new style, the Belgian IPA. I served this chilled.
Appearance: A pale golden colour, and opaque. The head is white, with a cream hint, and is a medium height but thick, and long lasting. 
Aroma: Spicy lemon notes with a bit of yeasty funk and that Belgian bubblegum ester note. 
Flavour: Sweet malt with a little bit of lemon and lychee hops and a load of Belgian yeast notes. There are also some nice apricot notes. 
Body: Fresh, but with quite robust body. The carbonation is a little thick.
Aftertaste: This is where it is let down, as there is a very strong taste of earwax. This does die down with drinking, but still remains. The other notes that come out when it dies down are, hop resin and cloves. 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 4, let down by the unpleasant aftertaste, but quite nice apart from that.

Price Range: Another from the box that had 8 for £14 - so £1.75 for a 330ml bottle; about right for the beer.

Food Pairings: Some strong bread, with some strong cheeses, and a little bit of pickle.