Tuesday 25 November 2014

Dirty Bastard

Brewery: Founders Brewing Co.
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Bought this from the Beers of Europe storehouse for a reduced price as it has a best before date of May 2014, but it is my experience that Scotch ales get better past their "best before date". Another one (and I believe the last for me to try on this) of the Founders Year-round range, this is their Scotch ale and Silver Medal Winner at the 2010 World Beer Cup in the Strong Ale category. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: An thick off white head with a hint of rust colour and small bubbles; the body is quite dark with some maroon light coming through when held to a source.
Aroma: Initially some musky and unpleasant notes, but once it breaths there are some sweet malty grape notes synonymous with this style.
Flavour: Hits you with a malt and grape/raisin sweetness with some biscuit and roasted notes. This sweetness settles with some drinking allowing some wood notes to come through, developing from a sweet into a savoury drink in one glass. 
Body: Not a thick as you would expect, as you would expect syrup, probably just the right level for this beer
Aftertaste: This sweetness turns into a slight salty tart flavour which still has some of the raisin and roasted notes. Maybe a hint of the peat smoke at the back but it might just be because I read that.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, but only just, it has some nice simple notes that are out there in full whack, I pushed it to an 8 as the flavours develop whilst drinking making it an interesting drink throughout the glass. I would recommend that you let this breath and that you only drink it if you have a sweet tooth.

Price Range: A reduced price of £1.75 for a 355ml bottle, probably one of the best prices I've paid (although this particular one my parents bought for me).

Food Pairings: A nice strong cheese board with some rustic oatmeal crackers.

Monday 17 November 2014


Brewery: Kaapse Brouwers
Supplier: Beer52

Been a way for a while, now I'm back and doing another one from the Beer52 box. This one is from Rotterdam in Holland and is their pale ale (although it is labeled as an American Bitter), and it is also labeled as pasteurised. I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: An amber gold colour with plenty of bubbles and a huge and persistent off-white head. 
Aroma: Lychees, hop resin, and a hint of musk. Very fresh smelling and very appealing.
Flavour: Some sweet malt notes and then lots of fresh lychee.
Body: Not too thick, but not overly thin, perfect for a pale ale, with nice small bubbles giving a good carbonation. 
Aftertaste: Some biscuity notes and then some hoppy bitter notes 

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, a nice simple hoppy pale that is easy to drink.

Price Range: Part of the box of 8 I got for £12 (usually £24), so it works out at £1.50 for a 330ml bottle; great price, if saw this at that price again I would definitely get some.

Food Pairings: Maybe this is a craving, but I think this would go well with a nice juicy marbled steak with some home cooked fries.