Wednesday 25 June 2014


Brewery: Brouwerij Lindemans
Supplier: Beers of Europe

A lambic flavour with peaches using the straight juice-method. This is a very low alcohol drink. I served this straight from the fridge
Appearance: Golden with a rose hue, a thin white head that dissipates quickly.
Aroma: Peach and then a hint of sour vinegar.
Flavour: Very sweet with apple juice and peaches, 
Body: Quite light and refreshing, but the sweetness is making it a bit syrupy. 
Aftertaste: Some sweet vinegar notes with some unidentified sour notes.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, much too sweet, the vinegar note are not unpleasant but not great. Not something you would want a lot of.

Price Range: £1.59 for a 250ml bottle, about right for what it is.

Food Pairings: Pancakes or Waffles with a not too sweet dark chocolate sauce.

Tuesday 24 June 2014


Brewery: BrewDog
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This malty body is comprised of 10 different types of malt, it then blended with heather infused Scottish honey. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Dark and maroon when held to the light, a rust coloured head the disappears very quickly.
Aroma:  Very sweet with raisins and some roasted notes, there is also hint of vanilla.
Flavour: Same as the aroma, sweet raisins and a hint of vanilla. A little bit of a tang.
Body: Very smooth. A little bit of a fizz on the front..
Aftertaste: A bitterness that tastes a bit like ear wax, but it later turns into a woody sweet finish.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, OK but not great.

Price Range: £2.69 for a 330ml bottle, probably a tad too much, but not overly so.

Food Pairings: Strong flavoured meat such as lamb or venison with a rich sauce.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Euphoria Pale Ale

Brewery: Ska Brewing
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Brewed during the winter along with a neighboring company "Venture Snowboards". This is a pale ale is made with lots of caramel malts, and hops providing a grapefruit hop aroma and flavor. I served this chilled.
Appearance: Not really pale more of an amber/brown colour with a short lived off-white head.
Aroma: Huge sweet resin notes, coupled with peach and raisin notes.
Flavour: Lots of grapefruit like hop notes with a sweet caramel malt note
Body: A bit too sticky but with a great carbonation level.
Aftertaste: A little hoppy bitterness with some spicy alcohol notes and a little bit of soap.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, nice but there are some overpowering flavours, manly the alcohol notes, making not sessionable.

Price Range: £2.59 for a 355ml can, an OK price for this beer.

Food Pairings: I don't know if this is just a craving but I think this would go well best with mash potato of sausages.

Friday 20 June 2014

Dry Irish Stout

Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Supplier: Beers of Europe

A seasonal beer made during January-March, around the time of St Paddy's day. It uses a range of different malts, around five, and four different hops - Willamette, Fuggles, Cascade, and East Kent Golding. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Jet black with a lingering tan coloured head.
Aroma: Smells of treacle with a warm/spicy note.
Flavour: the main flavour is a malty flavour similar to biscuits, there is a hint of roasted notes.
Body: Super smooth and not very dry, some acidic notes.
Aftertaste: Some berry notes join the original flavour along with some hint of green and metallic notes.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 7, close to being an 8 but not enough of a wow factor, but it's a nice and very sessionable beer

Price Range: £2.09 for a 355ml bottle, a excellent price for this beer.

Food Pairings: Would work well with oat bars/cookies; e.g. flapjacks and ANZAC biscuits.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Hop Yard

Brewery: Nils Oscar Company
Supplier: Beers of Europe

Another year-round beer from this Swedish brewery. Brewed with Cascade, Simcoe, Pacific Gem, Nelson Sauvin and Amarillo hops; and dry hopped with Amarillo, Citra and Nelson Sauvin hops. I served this straight out of the fridge.
Appearance: A light amber colour with golden edges. No complete head, only off-white traces of foam. 
Aroma: Mango and melon on the front with some honey notes on the back
Flavour: Sharp and sweet hop resin on the front followed by a slightly burnt popcorn like taste on the back.
Body: Smooth but a little sticky.
Aftertaste: The sweet resin notes come back and turn a little herbal. The burnt popcorn notes also continue, even turns salty.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, very close to being a 7 but not quite.

Price Range: £2.39 for a 330ml bottle, an OK price for the beer.

Food Pairings: Some stuffed peppers with lots of herbs and cheese, the freshness and the strong flavours will work well with this.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Bourbon Aged Stout

Brewery: Innis & Gunn
Supplier: Beers of Europe

The Innis & Gunn brewery specialist in aged beers, this is one of their limited edition beers made using Oak chips from bourbon barrels whilst aging the beer. On the label it says that  the beer is matured for 54 days. I served this just below room temperature.
Appearance: Black but maroon when held to the light, a thin tan head that dissipates quite quickly.
Aroma: Vanilla sweetness with a fruity note and some banana.
Flavour: Very sweet with a vanilla banana note. There are some umami notes right at the back giving a certain soy sauce taste.
Body: Very smooth and velvety. 
Aftertaste: Some tart notes on the back along with the overwhelming sweetness. Some apple notes, along with a spice from the rye.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 5, too sweet to enjoy a lot of but it is still nice.

Price Range: £2.19 for a 330ml bottle, probably about right as it is wood aged, but I wouldn't go run to get it again.

Food Pairings: It so sweet it would only really work with a dessert, I'm thinking something very sweet like it is, so the sweetness dies down to reveal the other flavours, maybe something like sticky toffee pudding.

Monday 9 June 2014


Brewery: Brasserie Piétra
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This is the year round witbier produced by this Corsican brewery. Made with botanicals from the Corsican scrub land; including arbutus, myrtle, and juniper. I served this chilled. Also, just realised afterwards, that this is this reviews blogs 1 year birthday!
Appearance: A very opaque white straw colour with a thick but short lived white head.
Aroma: Very bready with some gin and cranberry like notes.
Flavour: Lots of juniper on the front followed by a freshly baked bread taste.
Body: A nice medium body with a slightly dry finish.
Aftertaste: A slightly tart finish with just a lingering of the original tastes. Occasional hints of rubber/plastic, and also lemon.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 6, but only just, because it is very bready, but it is a nice unique beer that is close to a 7. I've had a juniper beer before where the balance was way out of whack but this was well balanced with the flavours. It helped that there were very few off flavours. The dry and rubber aspects did increase with drinking making me change it to a 6 in retrospect.

Price Range: £2.29 for a 330ml bottle, a very good price for a refreshing and unique beer.

Food Pairings: Some nice simply done white fish, maybe some crustaceans with lots of butter as well.

Thursday 5 June 2014


Brewery: Top Out Brewery
Supplier: Beer52

From a Scottish brewery that started less than a year ago in July 2013. This is their pale ale and I served this straight from the fridge.
Appearance: A slightly opaque dark caramel colour. Practically no head, the faint remnant is pure white.
Aroma: Nice hoppy aroma, the typical citra notes, really nice.
Flavour: Practically no flavours at all, hints of grains with a little bit of bitterness.
Body: Refreshing with a average body, good carbonation.
Aftertaste: A little more bitterness, but nothing more.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 3, The smell made it seem really good but there was practically no taste.

Price Range: Another of the monthly beer subscription at £14 (usually £24) for 8 beers, so approximately £1.75 for a 500ml bottle; not worth it.

Food Pairings: Practically anything as it has so little flavour, but I'm going to go with tortilla chips and guacamole.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Lion Stout

Brewery: Lion Brewery Ceylon Ltd
Supplier: Beers of Europe

This Sri Lankan based brewery was established in 1881 by Sir Samuel Backer as a cottage industry, developed into a brewery, and was eventually bought out by the Carlsberg Group in 1996. This is the exported version of their stout. I served this at room temperature.
Appearance: Black with a maroon tint around the edge. A large latte coloured head which reduces quickly but lingers for a long time. 
Aroma: Grapes, Iron, and some chocolaty roasted notes, also a slight musk undertone.
Flavour: Super sweet and creamy with some chocolaty notes.
Body: Nice and thick, perfectly comforting. Maybe a little too carbonated.
Aftertaste: More of the chocolate and roasted notes with hints of sherry and coconut.

Overall: Therefore this gets a rating of 8, a really delicious beer, very close to a 9. Maybe a little too sweet.

Price Range: £1.99 for a 330ml bottle, definitively worth it, a fantastic price.

Food Pairings: A nice chocolate and berry dessert such as a Black Forest Gâteau.